The Verisign Labs team brings a tremendous breadth of expertise and talent.
Karl Henderson, Sr. Engineer, Verisign Labs, is responsible for the DNS protocol evolution with a focus on DNS privacy research.
Karl has more than 30 years of technology experience in development, operations, management, and research. Prior to employment at Verisign, Karl held management and engineering positions with Nortel (BNR), Ericsson, Motorola, DSC, and MCI.
Karl is the author of 14 granted US patents.
Dr. Burt Kaliski Jr.
Senior Vice President and Chief Technology Officer
Danny McPherson
Executive Vice President, Technology and Chief Security Officer
Andrew Fregly
Distinguished Engineer
James Gould
Joseph Harvey
Senior Engineer, Software Development
Scott Hollenbeck
Andrew Kaizer
Software Development Engineer
Yong Kim
Vice President, Cyber Strategy and Research
Yannis Labrou
Distinguished Engineer
Swapneel Sheth
Senior Director, Research Engineering
Andy Simpson
Vice President, Business Intelligence and Data Analytics
Matt Thomas
Paul Tidwell
Director, Engagement and Program Management
Duane Wessels
Andrew West
Principal Research Scientist
Glen Wiley
Senior Director, Systems Architecture and Infrastructure